Previous litters
On April 9, 2017, we had a litter of 9 gorgeous puppies were born with 3 sable females, 1 sable male, 3 black and tan males, and 2 black and tan females. Such a nice assortment!
Mother is Live Oak's Victoria Rose (Rosie), she is from the prestigious Live Oak lines, who are known for breeding excellent quality German Shepherds for more than 30 years. Rosie is a beautiful female with large bone and excellent structure, and stable temperament.. She is very intelligent and loves to please and will fetch a ball all day long. She passes these great qualities on to her puppies. She is a joy to have in the house and loves to go places and meet new people. Everywhere we go people stop and comment on her beauty, she simply radiates it! She was bred to a stud that is quite a stud indeed! We fell in love with Eros Gatlin Vom Sharock, BH, IPO3, CGC, DS (Gatlin) from the first moment we met him. Gatlin’s personality and structure epitomizes everything a working German Shepherd should be. He loves to work and has been extensively trained by his owner/handler. He is the perfect balance of drive to work in multiple disciples: tracking, obedience, protection, and dock diving, but still has the ability to be calm and social enough to achieve his Canine Good Citizen. Gatlin is sired by the amazing German stud V Ike von der Donauvorstadt, SCHH3, IPO3, FH1, BSP bred to an equally impressive dam Bonny von der Hagemuhle, SCHH3. The combination of these two awesome dogs produced an exceptional litter of puppies.
Green collar black/tan female- sold
Grey collar black/tan female-sold
Sable male-sold
Red collar sable female- sold
Green collar sable female- will be staying with us!!! Welcome Belmont Breeze Von Cacao!!
Pink collar sable female- sold
Black collar black/tan male- sold
Dark blue collar black/tan male- sold
Light blue collar b/t male- sold
A few more pictures of puppies having fun!
Rosie x Ajax litter born 3/19/2016
Heidi x King litter born 4/9/2016